Hey, everyone. So I see you managed to somehow (most likely drunkenly) stumble into Aubrey's World. First off, allow me to apologize. No one should have to be subjected to that sort of torture. *grin* Of course, I'm just kidding. This is a lovely site--if I do say so myself.

      At any rate, here are some basic About Aubs facts: I'm a chick, I go to the University of North Texas, I love my job (I work at Old Navy), I can't wait til I graduate from college (only 24 hours after this semester), I have a fairly large family (with another member due to join us on June 28th--no, I'm not excited, not at all), my favorite band is matchbox twenty (but I am also really, really liking Evanescence right now), I can honestly say I've been in love once in my lifetime, I LOVE Texas *grin*, I can't figure out what the hell I wanna do with myself after I graduate but I do know that I want to own my own business (I'm thinking photography or graphic design or some combination thereof), and I really like monkeys for some reason (I just think they're so damned cute), ummmm...I guess that's it for now because I just went blank. :-)

      If you happen to be interested in viewing photos, I've put up a photo album. So go take a look at those, too, if you want. And come back. I'm sure there will be more pics up eventually.

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