with tears in her eyes
she lays her head down
tries to put herself
in that fairy tale place
where all the sad goes away

she lays there in limbo
her mind a mass of churning thought
needing things she cannot have
wanting those she cannot touch

she aches and burns
yearning for that special someone's touch
needing it all too much
a fire that consumes
and leaves nothing but
charred remains behind

and a tear slowly falls
escaping the walls
she's built around herself
through just one more crack
in the mortar of her self control

silently she screams out loud
the frustration now too much to bear
all the feelings, all the thoughts
they start to tumble out
an avalanche of silent sound
echoing throughout her mind
body shaking lungs heaving
an earthquake inside her now
no longer can she hold it in

©Aubrey Renae