i don't feel
      like going out tonight
      that means i would have to
      put on my happy face
      and i don't feel like
      faking it right now

      i'm better off
      sitting alone in my room
      lost in my thoughts
      talking to friends online
      than i would be
      around real people
      faking the smiles and the laughs
      afraid to disappoint
      to bring everyone else down

      no one else needs to know
      that i'm feeling lost right now
      like a misfit who doesn't belong
      in the world she's been placed in
      no one else needs to know
      that the loneliness is eating at me
      slowly but surely
      like a cancerous worm
      it's getting under my skin
      eating away at the facade
      it won't be too long now
      before the facade decides to crumble

      but i don't wanna be alone tonight
      in my state of self-pity and loserdom
      i wish there were someone
      anyone who could join me
      make me feel as though i'm not the only one
      who feels this way
      make me feel as though
      i'm not as alone as i think

      it wouldn't take much
      just a smile a laugh
      simple conversation
      to make me feel
      just the slightest bit better

      but still i would want more
      i always want more
      always long for the things
      that are just out of my reach
      and God it's all so simple
      those things i do want
      but instead i'm stuck here
      with the complicated thoughts
      and feelings churning inside
      when all i really want
      is the simple
      a touch
      a kiss
      a hug
      a smile
      to not be alone anymore

      it's all really quite simple
      and yet it keeps getting so complicated

      ©Aubrey Renae