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Mr. Homer Simpson

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Occupation: Befuddled nuclear safety inspector
Responsibilities at work:
Snack Machine Monitoring
Clock Watching
Inner-Eyelid Study
Pastry Malfunction Prevention
Responsibilities as doting father for his family:
Couch Patrol
Underwear Distribution
Carpet Debris Production

A devoted husband, Homer leaves his wife with few complaints. When pressed however, Marge did once acknowledge to a marriage counselor that Homer forgets birthdays, anniversaries, holidays (both religious and secular), chews with his mouth open, hangs out at a seedy bar with bums and lowlifes, blows his nose in the towels and puts them back in the middle, and scratches himself with his keys." Despite these few foibles, Homer loves his family, and he'll do just about anything to prove it -- even if that means making himself look foolish.
Homer works at Springfield's nuclear power plant as a safety inspector, a job he secured after passing the specialized training course on his third attempt. Once during a strike, Homer's critical functions could be filled only by a brick placed on a lever. Homer was also voted Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Toxic Waste Handler of the Month in October of 1990.
Homer's favorite book and/or pamphlet is "So, You've Decided to Steal Cable," which also happens to be the most recent book and/or pamphlet he has read. When he's not reading, Homer enjoys drinking beer, at home or in a bar. His favorite haunts include Moe's Tavern, Greasy Joe's Bar-B-Q Pit, Gulp 'N' Blow, and The Frying Dutchman, which he almost put out of business on its "All You Can Eat Night." Since then, Homer's picture has hung in the restaurant, where he's known as "Bottomless Pete: Nature's Cruelest Mistake."
Sometimes frustrated at being fat and bald, Homer enjoys flashbacks now and again, which show him fat with a full head of hair. Two things, though, always remain constant for Homer, no matter what happens to him: his happy-go-lucky nature and his love for Marge and his kids.

Hum what a coincidence.....Homer cant think.

Hum, Homer, rich? Earth to Mr. Homer Homer this is earth calling.
Well I guess we cant say Homer has a one tracked mind any more. Here he is thinking about both beer and bed.
Homer should really consider leaving the hey song to the professionals...or at least someone with some remote ability to sing.
Ever wonder what those odd screams eminating from the Simpson house were???? Maybe they were Homer as he put on aftershave Hear the famous Homer scream.

Do you really want to see more of Homer, the home slammin'(or crashin') Simpson???

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