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Welcome to my bit of the web

My 3 Fav things to do

Fav places to go

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Yahoo Chat
Free Email
Oh, Look at the cute little hamster.
All about me, just a little too much maybe
Some more of my favorites
Some of my not so great poems
Some of my friends who have webpages
Simpsons, meet the simpsons, hey isnt this supposed to be the flinstones???
My Alma Mater

Hey welcome to my page. I know I dont have much now but I hope to do better soon. If you have comments or recomendations send them to by clicking on the mailbox on the right. Thisis my space to complain about stuff on the net that I do not like. I make no promise what will come up in there, so try to keep younger kids off this section.

I'm a Pokémon Trainer!
