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Cease to Exist

By: Dana Miles and Aaron Latham
I have fallen into a deep hole
wondering if I will ever find my way out.
Scratching and clawing at this odd surface,
Seeing only what is shown and knowing only what is told.
My prison is held by anger and crime,
My gate is a peace that I cannot find.
I cease to exist in the world beyond,
and everything I've known is now forgotten.
I now feel only pain and suffering,
I have a memory of something more,
What am I missing, why do I care.
Who is this that I see in my dream,
Why do I only remember a shadow?
All these questions are running through my mind,
And I cannot seem to find an answer.
I cease to exist in the world I created,
And now my walls crumble to my feet.
And my world ceases to exist,
And I fall to my knees and cry.

© 2002 Aaron Christopher Latham