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What Difference

Can I be left to this prison
Must I contain my heart
Cant I ever show my love
Did I create this prison for eternity

What sentence did I pass
What crime did I commit
Was I a victim of my love
Or was my love not meant to be

Can my heart go on
Must I be chained like this
Am I an animal or more
Just another drop in the river

Or an ocean of life
Or a rose of death
Wilted and dried
Waiting out eternity

What am I in all this world
Am I a place or a face
Long forgotten and unremembered
Does anyone know who I am

What difference do I make
Do you really read what I say
Or just the words written upon the page
Did I make a difference

Can you see into the heart
Or do you see only the skin
Can you see what goes wrong
Or only that it was meant well

What do we know about the past
History seen by one is different than another
We tell the tale from our own eyes
And leave out the pain of the guilty

© 2002 Aaron Christopher Latham