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~~~~Our Family Page~~~~

So, you wanna know more about
ß~1~ßõb™ and tedy?

Well to get to know us, you have to get to know
the whole family!!
*LOL* And I do mean the WHOLE family!! *LOL*

We have a house full of BOYS, execpt for Sharon that is!!
*wink* She is all woman!! *BAS*
And our latest new addition Miss Storm!! *S*
She's all Bitch! In the female dog sense of the word! *EG*

First, there are the kids, J.T. and Steven.
J.T. is 9 and Steven is 8.
Steven is the bigger of the two! *L*

J.T. is the little "Cool Dude" (Too Cool Sometimes)!
and Steven is the "Gentle Giant"!! (Usually *L*)

Then there are "The Boys"
That would be Chance (aka The King or Bubba)
Taz (aka SPAZ or KITE *LOL*)
And of course Charlie (aka Bonehead) *L*
And our newest addition Storm, aka Miss Precious
As you might guess from the MISS, she ISN'T
one of the boys! *LOL* She a little bitch
And of course I mean that in the most loving way!!
Don't have any pics of her yet, but she is
Solid black and she's part Black Lab and part Husky!

Below you can see some pictures of us all *S* Enjoy!!

J.T. & Steven (Boy was this a hard picture to get!)
Being brothers is not always about brotherly love!! *LOL*

J.T. at Christmas! (Money!!! Simple but effective *L*)

Steven at Christmas!
(Now is that true spirit of Christmas in his eyes or what? *LOL*)

All THREE kids, leaving the fair!! *LOL*

The Kids

The kids, Sharon's Pride and Joy!! *S* J.T.
(on the right) is the oldest (9 yrs.), and
Steven (on the left) is the biggest (8 yrs.)!!
*S* Both a handful by themselves and a even
more fun when they join forces! *L*
A great couple of little guys! Oh and of course
the biggest kid of all,
JON (ß~1~ßõb™) *LOL*

The Boys

That's Chance (aka Bubba) on the left and
my $600, Taz (aka SPAZ)
on the right!! *LOL* I say MY cat but
actually he is Sharon's $600 kite that she
"Flies" across the room whenever he starts
SPAZZING!!! *LOL* Then there's Charlie,
as if the picture doesn't say it all, like
the others, Charlie doesn't know he's a dog!
*LOL* He thinks he is half people, half cat!!
That makes a helluva combination in a big
boy like him, too!! *LOL*

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