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Our First Net Meeting

Welcome to the beginning of our tour of all the net friends that we have met! Our first meeting was small, but memorable!! *LOL*

The Whole Group!

*from left to right*
TeDdY BeAr (Rick), hippy chic (Karen), TwoStep (Brett), tedy (Sharon), and ß~1~ßõb™ (Jon [ME]) *LOL*

hippy chic

hippy chic and tedy
Don't they make a cute couple?? *LOL*


Laid back on the front porch, just making himself right at home!! *LOL*

TwoStep & tedy
Battle of the cowboy hats!! *L* Good Guy (white hat) vs. Bad Girl (black hat) *LOL*

TeDdY BeAr

TeDdY BeAr
I'm not quite sure what was going on in these pics of TeDdY!! *LOL*

*note to Rick, I do plan on putting some better pics up, I promise!! Sorry Bud!*

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