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Hi, My Nickname is Caring John. John to most. Some years back I started fiddling with writing and I would like to share some of my work with you. Most of the time I write on line around friends that enjoy my words.

You will find I like to write poetry,
"Hands Of" is my dad's favorite.


Hands of Freedom. Hands of Glory. Hands that have worked for years just to make things easier for us. Smile upon those hands and touch them gently. Look into the eyes of those that own them, for there you will find one that loves you.

It doesn't matter if it is male or female. Those who take the time to have us, to love us, nurture us, to make time for us, and those who help us out in times of need. Those are the ones that we should always look to in our times of need when we need strength.

For you see those are the ones that have been there before. The ones that make us warm in winter. They will show us the magic of their lives and if we are lucky how we can get some of it.

They will tell us, it's from hard work and living right, not spending time trying to live others' lives. But being ourselves and standing up tall. Talking to others when we feel we will fail. Yes, those are the times when we walk away from those who love us.

We will walk away from those who care for us. Standing tall not a weight upon us. Those are the eyes that we will look into. Those are the hands that we will sometimes seem battered and bruised.

But we will not hear complaints from them. Now, we will hear stories of their parents and how much harder they had it than them. Then if we are lucky, if we have been brought up right, we will see the stars in their eyes.

For, you see the light comes from within. It is from what we feel, not from what substance we get from a friend. Life is grand and it works for us all. No, matter if we are short or tall.

So once again I will say it, my friends, look at the hands of those whom you call friends.


Walk with me talk with me smile with delight,
Smile with wonder and joy and delight.
Let worlds of wonder come into your soul,
Filling you up with love and joy,
don't you know.

Life is so precious and be careful my friend,
And if you are lucky you will find
love and kindness my Friend.
Worlds of wonder, Worlds of joy my friend,
They fill you up from your hair
to the tips of your toe.

The warmth of love and joy my friend,
It is all around us if we will let it in.
So open your heart and your mind,
Your soul and you will be rewarded
One Hundred times more than ten fold
Life is wonderful, life is so fine,
We should always appreciate it
if we have the time.
The love of friends is something so precious,
We need to treat those with kindness
That we want to make our true friends

Walk will you in the fields so lovely and tall,
Walk in the sun and let it's
warmth fill your soul.
When you look down you will see
the lion and the lamb
Not laying down but walking
besides you my friend.

© -*-Caring_John-*-

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