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Impossible Dream

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There is Always Loss

There is always loss and fear and dread and woe.
It doesn't matter if it is a child or woman, we are
close to that we have lost you know.

We all feel the pain, the dread, the worry and loss.
It's how we get through it that in truth makes us
strong. We can all turn inwards and cry...
that would be easy.
We could all curl up and die.

But if we are strong and have friends that truly care
about us, they will help us through our troubling times.
And when we get past these times that are so hard, it
just doesn't seem to be fair. We can look back and say
to others yes, I have been there.

And in truth the pain never leaves any of us.
It's how we handle it that makes us stronger
and filled with such love for now that we look back
at those that we have lost, no matter whom they were.
They are looking down on us, holding our hands.

Now if you can get through this
please lean back and listen to the song.
Listen to the words and the hope
and the promise.

The end
Caring_John 12/4/00

"Impossible Dream"
by Elvis Presley
