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Waiting for A Girl Like You

The Color of My Love

The color of my love is warm and true.
The color of my love is a wonder,
thanks to you.
The wonder of our friendship is all
because of you.
The Joy in our lives is always there
Because we love to touch each other,
me and you.

Now when things are bad
and we fuss and fight....
It only takes a few words
before we have forgotten
What we were fighting about ..
those words are I Love You.

As I know you have and always will.
All I ask you to do is just think back
At all the times we have had...
just we two.

All the joys, the ecstasies,
the times of doubt.
We have come through them all...
me and you.
So don't let there be any doubt...
that I love you.

The end
© -*-Caring_John-*-

"Waiting For A Girl Like You"
by Foreigner
