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Traveling Thru Time

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To My Husband and Soul Mate

Each Day I await your arrival.
Waiting to travel thru time together,
Waiting for the time for you to say,
Honey, I'm here to take you thru space,
To let our hearts touch once more.

You take my hand without hesitation,
We lean back, shut our eyes
And once again we are on our way.
Leaving our worries behind.

Our wishes for one another
have come true, we have
Shared our secrets and dreams.
Celebrated our mistakes,
And played hooky from life together,

Today I want to thank you
For being by my side
For sharing all those hopes and dreams
And most of all I want to thank you
For sharing all your unconditional love with me.

With Love, Monique

In this chest
You will find
All our dreams.

Take them, Treasure them,
Let no man distroy them.

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MoniqueM & Caring John

May 27, 2000

Take this ring, a token of our Love
Keep it, Treasure it.
Never let it go.
Remember me always.