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I Wonder

I Wonder

Lord I wonder why she smiles at me. Lord I wonder why she puts up with me. Lord I wonder why you sent This angel to me to hold my hand.

She, you see, is the most precious thing to me. She is so wonderful and gentle with me. She holds me close to her all day and night. She will not let me get scared To become freightend at all.

Her words are soft and gentle to me. She knows how to soothe me and when things become unreal. So Lord I look up to heaven and Thank You, Kind Sir, for this angel you sent me in all her wonder.

May the life and wonder of this woman grow. Please grant my wish from deep in your soul. You my Lord have made me so pleased, That I found this woman so far and yet so close to me.
So when you look at me as I stare Up at the stars in your sky. I am thinking you Lord for the gift You have given me as I sigh.

Hold this woman in your arms. Lord and fill her with confidence to see your love. Give her the gift that knows you will grant her wonders. One she can share with the worlds around her.

So she can create so much pleasure Her life hasn't been fun or easy. She has chosen a path that you can only see. So my lord I ask you once more to help this woman from afar for me.

What A Wonderful Sight

Help her see the beauty in her life. The miracles she has created with the love of her life. Let her see how she has affected others And how she will continue to grow and affect others as they grow.

Don't let her get caught in the trap of thinking, She is worthless and just piece of trash. For we both know and others will soon That she is a wonderful person who is just now blossoming.

Her rose peddles still shimmering in the morning dew. May one day she see herself in full bloom. As she looks in the mirror. And may she know as I know you do.

That she is just so wonderful to those who know her. So open your heart oh Lord, I do cry out And send her just a wee drop of love down to her For you see just a drop of you love, Will open her mind and heart and soul. There she will start to see the light of her own magic And her loving light.

What a wonderful sight.

© -*-Caring_John-*-

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