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Lover's Touch

Lover's they touch in such wonderful ways.
They look across the room and
Catch each other in a wonderful gaze.

They don't have to touch one another.
For even though they are not married,
They can feel one another.
It doesn't matter if they are six-feet,
Or six miles apart.

They are there for each other as if
They were holding hands in
A lovely park.

Now, you ask how do I know this.
Well it is so plain to see
The love for one another.
It's so hard to believe that there
Is so much love in this world.
It's so amazing to me.

And still some left for me.
So would you open your eye's
And look all Around.
And you will see more love
In this world, it happens so naturally.

© -*-Caring_John-*-
