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A Walk on The Beach

To a Woman

To a woman that loves me
with all her heart.
To a woman who loves me
with all her might.
To a woman that cares
so much for me.
To a lover soul that loves
continues to Grow.

To a woman that will always
be there to stir my soul.
To a woman that holds my heart and soul
in her hands, don't you know.
To this woman I promise
to try and be more open and honest
And hope that one day
we will come again to my soul.

To this woman I promise to be
the best man I could ever be.
To this woman who walks
in my body at night
I promise the world
if she will just hold me for a while,
Mostly during the night.
To this woman, I promise nights
she will never forget.

To this woman I promise I will never forget.
To this woman who holds me
and cares so much for my soul,
I promise to be better
than the man she has come to know.

© -*-Caring_John-*-

My Favorite Web Sites

Caring John's Home
Lover's Touch
Waiting For A Girl Like You
Wind Beneath My Wings
My Commitment to You
