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Mississippi Moon

"Mississippi Moon"

Mississippi moon shining full
and soft upon the bayou
sets a moon of romance
for the likes of me and you.
Subtle scent of magnolia
floating upon the breeze.
Cherry lips touching lips ~
locked in a sensual tease.
Nightingale's serenade carries
a song of souls complete,
such as upon this night
when soul to soul does meet.
Slow-moving waters of
this bayou deep and warm ~
caressing our bodies gently,
lost in each others' charm.
Thunder rolls in the distance,
in rhythm to heart's beat.
A lovers' ballet of desire
against the bayou's heat.
Our bodies move together,
against ripples of water's flow.
Enchantment brought forth
from love's desired afterglow.
Oh, Mississippi moon,
the stories you could tell
of nights and hearts of lovers
lost in love's magic spell.

03/17/01 © "Chelle"