Shakespeare's Socks
Shakespeare's Socks
While Shakespeare washed his socks by night,
and laid them on the ground;
the Ghostie of Macbeth came down,
and said, "Oh, faithful hound
I'll steal these socks I've found!"
"Fear not!" said Edgar Allen Poe,
for dread had seized Will's mind.
"You'll die just like everyone else;
but in the grave your socks you'll find.
And your heart will beat in time."
True to Ed's word, poor William died;
it was all so very sad.
but William found his socks again;
it made him very glad.
Then William stood and said:
"Though my corpse be very dead and old,
and stinkith just the same,
my feet will never freeze from cold;
in socks they will remain.
To the grave I'm glad I came!"
01/05/99 © "Chelle"