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ALBERTINA AUGUSTA DRUMM was born on 30 October 1836 in Mechlenburg, Prussia. She left
Germany and, after three months at sea, landed at Indianola on the Texas Gulf Coast. From there,
she went to San Antonio, TX and later to Napoleon, Missouri where she died on 29 March 1923.

ALBERTINA married JOHN HERKER who was born in 1837 in Germany and died in 1876
in Missouri. Born to this couple was a daughter, MARY ELIZABETH HERKER, and at least
two other children.

Standing in back is Albertina Augusta Drumm Herker (mother), on right is Mary Elizabeth Herker
(daughter) with brother and sister.

MARY ELIZABETH HERKER (b: 22 March 1874 Lexington, Missouri d: 8 Jan 1921 San Antonio,
Texas) married JOHN HENRY EHLERS, JR (b: 14 September 1868 Napoleon, MO d: 3 October 1968
, on October 31, 1895 in Missouri. They lived on an apple and wheat
farm in Napoleon, Missouri until, because of Mary Elizabeth's health, they moved to Corpus
Christi, Texas in 1911. Born to this couple were: OREA ALVIN EHLERS, SR (b: July 13, 1897
d: Nov 20, 1979), BEULAH AUGUSTA EHLERS (b: July 13, 1899 d: May 13, 1983), NORMA
ESTHER EHLERS (b: June 27, 1901), and LEROY SHERMAN EHLERS(b: 1908 MO d: 1910 MO).

Taken about Easter 1910 in Lexington, Missouri (left to right) Orea Alvin Ehlers, Beulah Augusta
Ehlers, and Norma Esther Ehlers.

Because of Mary Elizabeth's health, they moved to San Antonio, Texas in about 1919 or 1920 and
lived there until her death in January 1921. She was buried in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The family moved back to Corpus Christi, Texas soon after the death of Mary Elizabeth and continued
to live there. John Henry Ehlers, Jr. died in Corpus Christi in October 1968 and is buried there.
He was 99 years old.

This information was written by Frances Rebecca Walker Ehlers (wife of Orea A. Ehlers, Sr.) as told to her by Orea, Beulah, and Norma.

Last update: 29 May 2015

Prepared by: Orene Ehlers Custer, August 1999

Updated: 19 May 2021