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NEW website:
Critter's Exotic Animals

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If you are interested in exotic wildlife, then you are in the right spot. I've been a breeder and collector of exotic wildlife for approximately 20+ years. I hold six state licenses (Texas) and two federal licenses.
I mainly breed marsupials and insectivores. I have an interest in all types of wildlife. I am a FIRM believer in: Conservation through Captive Propagation. I also believe exotic animals should only be raised by experienced people who know how to deal with wild animals. Wild animals can be totally unpredictable, thus my warning at the bottom of this page.
If you are experienced and choose to have wild animals in your life; please be sure you have a local vet who can help you take care of your exotic animal(s). Most country vets do not have experience in exotic animals. Some are happy to learn. Before you bring the animal into your home; check to see if the vet can and will help you; an emergency with your animal is not a good time to find out you have a vet that can't help you.

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Do you want more info on exotic small mammals? Do you enjoy discussing these little critters? If so; I've created a new list: Exotic Small Mammals 2!! If you would like to join us; please enter your email addy in the following box. See ya there!!

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animated deer running

Walkers Mammals of the World 5th ed.Ronald M. Nowak#0-8018-3970-X
Encyclopedia of MammalsDr.David Macdonald#0-87196-871-1
Peterson Mammal GuideBurt/Grossenheider#0-395-24084-8
Simon & Schuster Mammals Sidney Anderson#0-671-42805-5
Audubon Society N.A. MammalsJohn O. Whitaker, Jr.#0-679-44631-1

Critter plans on adding an exotic animal database that will give info on assorted and unusual exotic animals. This page will be updated on a regular basis with new animal listings and (real) pictures. If you are interested in Exotic animals please bookmark this page as it will change often.

The following are exotic animals to be included in the database and hopefully (later) with pictures.

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Click on the Common Names to go to that animals info page. ;-)
Crested Tailed Marsupial Rats Dasyuroides byrneiYes
Blacktailed Prairie Dogs Cynomys ludoricianusYes
Ringtail Cat Bassariscus astutusYes
North American Porcupine Erethizon dorsatumYes
Cuscus Phalanger mimicusN/A
Coati'sNasua nasuaYes
Lemmings Lagurus lagurusYes
Sugar gliders Petaurus brevicepsYes
Asian Leopard Cats Prionailurus bengalensis sspYes
Asian Chipmunks Eutamies sibiricusYes
PikaOchotone ssp.Yes
Red Squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicusN/A
Fox SquirrelsSciurus nigerN/A
Fat Edible Dormice Myoxus glisYes
Woodchucks Marmota monaxN/A
Tufted-Eared SquirrelsSciurus vulgarisYes
Giant Red Flying SquirrelPetaurista petauristaYes
Black Tailed Jack RabbitLepus californicusN/A
Ferret BadgerMelogale moschataN/A
Mexican Ground SquirrelSpermophilus mexicanusN/A
North American BadgerTaxidea taxusN/A
Northern Flying SquirrelGlaucomys sabrinusN/A

Click on the Common Names to go to that animals info page. ;-)
paw print

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running cheetah EMAIL me

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WARNING: Critter does NOT promote exotic animals as "pets". Exotic animals should be raised and cared for by only experienced breeders. No one should ever use an exotic animal as a "what's hot" or a "status symbol".

Exotic animals need to be respected for what they are: Wild animals. Never let children or irresponsible adults around wild animals. Wild animals are totally unpredictable in there actions and only experienced people should be around them.

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REALLY Great Link Page of all kinds of animals:
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ThisExotic Pet Ring site is owned by Critter
Like to join Exotic Pet Ring? Contact us here!
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The logo pictures are from FJM Reptile Ranch and Fairview Hedgehogs
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This Amazing Cougar Ring site owned by Critter.

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Other GREAT sites:

Squirrel Rights League

Andrew's Pet Page

Squirrel Mansion

Check back often; updating with new critters often.

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