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Cell is the last android that Dr. Gero created. He created him using cells of the Z warriors he found earlier when fighting the androids. Cell spawned 3 stages. He did so by aborbing the other androids thus becoming the mighty Perfect Cell. Cell was a massive villan and was way more powerful and deadly than Freeza. Since he had the cells of the other Z warriors in him, he could use their moves and abilities plus moves of his own. The battle against Cell is proclaimed as the best in the series. The battle is very long and like the one with Freiza, it is very intense and brutal. This was the first time we say Gohan really lay the smack down as he turned SSJ2 and was able to pick off the Cell jrs. in one hit. He later fought Cell one on one and was easily kicking the crap out of him, untill putting himself in the way of a blast to save Vegeta which crippled his arm. However with the help of his father, Goku, Gohan was finnally able to overpower Cell with a mega Kamehameha blast. Cell was brutal. There's no question about it. But he was a unique villian in which perceived the battles as more of a game. He fought fair and always had a good spirit untill the battle with Gohan.
