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Gohan is the first son of Goku. He wanted to become a famous scholar when he grew up. He studied all the time to do so, his mom agreed with this dream of his. Goku wanted him to become a great fighter. Gohan has been through many battles with his father and with Krillin. Most of the real big battles , when Goku wasn't there, was when Gohan and Krillin were fighting. Gohan is one of those types that won't give up. Once he starts something he won't stop. He'll keep fighting until his body couldn't handle it anymore. While everyone else was laying on the ground tired and almost dead, Gohan was the one figting. Why does Gohan keep fighting? He loves his planet. Gohan's Power Level changes with his emotions. Most of his Powerful attacks were when he was Upset or Angry about something. But soon Goku dies of a heart deceise and Gohan 'takes over' the series. He later marries a girl and has a duaghter named Pan. The picture above is of Gohan at Super Saiyen.
