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Movie #3 Summary - World Tree/Tree Of Might ( Japanese )

The movie starts out with a spaceship crashing down in a forest on Earth where Klilyn, Oolong, Bulma, and Gohan are camping. The spaceship starts a forest fire. Gohan and Klilyn end up saving the animals and stopping the fire, but the forest is ruined. Klilyn has an idea, though, to use the Dragonballs to revive the forest. They then do that. One of the animals Gohan saves is a dragon, which he names Haiya-Dragon and keeps him as a pet. ChiChi doesn't want Haiya-Dragon in the house so Gokou lets Gohan use a nearby cave to keep him. The spaceship turns out to be an alien probe for some invaders led by Taurus: a Saiyajin! The invaders arrive shortly and plant a seed deep into the Earth. The seed quickly grows into a huge tree. Kaiosama notices the tree and warns Gokou about it. The tree is called the World Tree. When a person eats its fruit after it takes root they gain limitless power because the Tree absorbs all the energy from the planet turning it into a desert. All life and energy from the Earth would be gone! Gokou and company attempt to prevent the Tree from taking root by destroying it, but they fail. The Tree isn't even scratched by their blasts. They run into the invaders and fight. Everyone gets beaten except Gokou and Gohan. Gohan ends up running into Taurus, who happens to look just like Gokou! Piccolo appears out of thin air to save Gohan from Taurus, but fails. Taurus makes Gohan use his "true Saiyajin power" turning him into an Oozaru (monkey creature) by making him look at some moonlight he had. Gohan goes on a rampage hurting Gokou, but Haiya-Dragon calms Gohan down. Gokou eventually turns Gohan back by cutting off his tail with a Kienzan type blast, barely saving him from Taurus' blast. Taurus' lackeys take on Gokou, but all are killed. Gokou and Taurus then fight, Gokou being a little stronger. But Taurus eats the ripe fruit from the World Tree and pummels Gokou, even when he used the Kaiyoken technique! Gokou makes an attempt at a Genki Dama to destroy Taurus and the Tree, but he fails since the Earth doesn't have enough energy to absorb to do the job. Taurus pummels everyone: Chaozu, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Piccolo, Klilyn, and Gokou. Then he goes and eats more fruit to become super powerful. All seems lost until Gokou finds a gleaming energy. It's the energy from the World Tree. Gokou absorbs this energy and uses it to fire a Super Genki Dama killing Taurus and destroying the Tree. The Tree's energy turns into snow, which ends up being absorbed by the Earth, returning it to normal once again.