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Radditz is the brother of Goku. After discovering that Goku hasn't even started taking over earth he becomes furious and kidnaps Gohan. For Goku to get his son back he must eliminate 100 species by the next day. Goku chooses not to destroy 100 species but makes a decision that kills him and his brother. He decided to fight Radditz. Piccolo joins in with Goku to battle Radditz. The Balls.

battle was kind of long. Radditz hardly got hit most of the time until they discovered to grab Radditz tail which pretty much paralizes him. But after awhile, Piccolo finnished Radditz off with his Special Beam Cannon. But to do so, Goku had to sacrifice his life to kill Radditz. Goku held radditz still while Piccolo charged up and shot. The blast went right through both of them. But Goku returns with the use of the Dragon Home