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Dear Psyche

Dear Psyche

Me and my friend would like to meet YH and his friends do you think thats possible ?
signed wishful thinking

Dear Wishful
No, it's just a show....(Don't tell Herc I said that..)


Dear Psyche
I really like this girl at school, but how do I know if she likes me?

Dear Schoolboy
I love easy questions like this.... JUST ASK HER!


Dear Psyche
I really like this guy and he likes me, but I'm afraid to go out with him, because I don't want to get hurt like I did with other relationships.
From Scared

Dear Scared
You will never experience the great joys unless you are willing to risk great sadness. Feint Heart never won a fair maiden. Don't worry, no one has ever died from a broken heart. What does not kill us makes us stronger...Don't give up on love.


Dear Psyche
I was at my friends house and I fell in love with her friend. HE is three years younger than me and we don't care about the same things. Should I try to tie the knot or go look for my real Hercules.
Signed Searching

Dear Searching
You fell in love with someone in just one day? Cool off and start from scratch again. If you don't have common interests, how can you build a good relationship? Give it time. Take time to search for your soulmate. Remember, Herc and Iolaus weren't always friends, and it took Xena and Gabrielle several lifetimes to get it right...


Dear Psyche
I'm pretty ugly! and i really like this guy! he is soooo fine! we have alot in common and our signs match up! how can i make him notice me?
Love, wishing desperatley

Dear Wishing
First, you have to stop hiding in that cave. My father in law Hephestus spent a hundred years pinning over Aphrodite, thinking he was too ugly to be worthy of her. He could have saved himself years of heartache if he only got out into the sun and displayed his talents. How will this guy know what a great catch you are if you don't get out there and be yourself? You have to remember that beauty, true beauty, is more than skin deep, and any man worthy of you will notice you for more than your looks. If he doesn't notice you for the great talents and assests you have he isn't worth stressing over.


Dear Psyche,
I'm moving from the US to Austrailia to enroll in the Adelaide Academy for the Performing Arts next eyar and I'm REALLY nervous, well completely scared out of my mind is more like it. I'm worried about not being as good as the other students. As well as the fact that I will be the only American there and will be really hard for me to make friends, as well as getting to know the guys. I have no idea what to do about the guys. How am I ever going to meet any guys if I'm too afraid to talk to sany one and I'm always worried about not fitting in and being a lame student. Do you think you can help me? I'm at my witts end over here!!
Signed, Nysah

Dear Nysah,
You are far too stressed out about meeting guys. A real boyfriend is going to be attracted to you for who you are, and why would you want anyone who wasn’t? Just be yourself. If a freak of nature like the golden hind can snatch a hero like Hercules – there’s got to be hope for us all… right? (If you want better odd's try Alaska - I hear the men outnumber the women ten to one!)


Dear Psyche,
I've just come up second best in the affections of a dear woman who still considers me her friend, and oddly enough the feeling is mutual...But I've got a horrible case of jealousy...HELP!
Signed, Green-eyed-monster

Dear Green,
Don’t give into the Green Eyed Monster, just know that he’s there for a reason. Sometimes these curses can be the best thing that ever happened to you (I’m speaking from experience of course…)
I’ll never be able to figure out why people think they can’t be in love with their “friends”. It sounds like the perfect match. Many people are disillusioned after the passion has died in their relation ship and they actually have to “talk” to each other. What could be better than actually talking first and finding passion later?


Dear Psyche,
I really like this guy at my school and he seems to like me. He always flirts with me. But I've heard he has a girlfriend. I don't know if I should go for him or not. What should I do.
From, Confused

Dear Confused
It's school - not an engagement party! You're young - don't start stressing about relationships. Set your goals and shot for them, and in the meantime, have fun, play the field, enjoy your youth! Remember, beauty isn't skin deep!


Dear Psyche,
I'm the type of girl who prefers the world of fantasy over reality. I'm kinda shy, but I like to have fun. Whic of the three YH guys do you think would like me best?
Signed, hoplessly in love.

Dear hopeless,
Heros are kinda cool. It's nice to have someone to bail you out when you do something silly. And having a god (or godess) as an in law can be cool, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for side kicks - I can't tell if it's because they always seem to have more personality than the hero, or because they get beat up so often. With those golden curls and a healthy appetite for mischief - I'd have to say Iolaus is my pick. Besides, he's really great when you're in a tight spot, you know you're safe when there is a sidekick around to distract the bad guys!


Dear Psyche,
I'm convinced that luv is not 4 me. Can this be posible?
Signed Loveless

Dear Loveless
Anything, however highly improbably, is possible. But I think you may be looking for love to be the crash, bang, boom, sorta thing that just hits you all of the sudden. Sometimes love can sneak up on you. Just be ready for love when it appears. It can sneak up on you at the most unusual of times; when your trying to find the Golden Hind, when you are incognito as your cousin the King, when your friend the Demi-God asks you to walk his mother home, when you've been kidnapped by a vicious Green Eyed Monster....


Dear Psyche,

I've fallen in love with a man named Mika.He's got these green eyes, and blazing red hair....*drool*Uh, anyway!Normally I wouldn't like a guy like him, he isn' t exactly my type.He's kind of clumsy, a little odd....but such a sweetie.Usually i wouldn't have given someone like him a second thought....but something keeps drawing me to him...I was wondering if this could be something Aphrodite or Cupid set up?If not, is this normal?!

Hoplessly looking for Answers

Dear Hopelessly;

It's very true that opposites attract, just look at my in-laws! Hephestus and Aphrodite? Who would have thunk? There is also something very attractive about those vunerable types (Don't tell anyone I told you this, but I have a soft spot for that Joxer guy...). Don't underestimate the power of attraction. Just get out there and tell that guy you are hot for him. If he doesn't melt on the spot, he's not the right one! Believe me, you don't want to get the Gods involved in your love life! Interfering gods(which reminds me... avoid meddling mother-in-laws) almost turned my Cupid into a Green Eyed Monster! Try the honest approach!



Dear Psyche

I’m in love with this guy but he keeps on running around with his best friend slaying hydras fighting Ares and being turned upside down all of the time. I understand that he needs to have male bonding but I’m getting lonely What should I do?

Waiting to Exhale

Dear Waiting,

Sometimes a mans’ gotta do what a man’s gotta do. If you’re boyfriend is still running around slaying hydra’s and fighting Gods, maybe he’s just not ready to settle down. It’s hard to be in love with a side kick, but if you think this is the one guy for you, perhaps you could ease your loneliness by building a statue that looks just like him. (I suggest bronze for it’s luminous properties). With any luck a sympathetic God will turn it into a mortal, and make you appreciate just how frustrating dealing with men can be. If you are really lonely, you can slip into the alternate universe and snatch his double. If neither of these plans work for you, perhaps you should consider buying a pet pig. (I hear they are a little bit cleaner than your average mortal, anyway)This way, you can prove to your love that you are woman enough to "bring home the bacon".



Dear Psyche,

I fell for a guy who used to be the light of my life. But now his idea of a hot romance involves setting the bed on fire! What should I do?

Sincerely, Carrying a Torch

Dear Torch;

First of all, put that thing down! You don't want to give your lover any additional fuel! If you insist on keeping this "flame", perhaps you should invest in multiple water buckets. If it is only a passing fascination, maybe it's time to move on. Remember there are plenty of fish in the ocean - maybe that's where you should look for you're next boyfriend. I hear that the lost mariner is looking for a cook...


Dear Psyche

Are John and I ever going to get together as man/woman


Dear OC,

Sweetie pie, I'm not an oracle... sounds like it's time for you to plan a trip to Delphi. This is Ask Psyche, not ask the Psychic!



Dear Psyche,

I'm a fifteen year old amazon with a problem....I can't find my wonderful, beautiful, never-failed-me-once sword!!We've spent many a battle together, the hydra....the driads...*sigh*, just the thought of our times together brings tears to my eyes.I don't know what I'm going to do without it ....*Sniffle*Do you think I should bite the bullet and buy a new one or wait faithfully for my beloved weapon to return to me?

Signed, Desperately Seeking Sword

Dear Desperately

First of all, your 15, so I'm going to assume you haven't tried CLEANING YOUR PERSONAL LIVING SPACE to find your sword. Why don't you try that first? In any event, you shouldn't fret too much about it if you can't find it. Swords are easily replaced. I know this Cave of Hestia with hundreds of swords - but if you pick up the wrong sword, you may discover that truth... is stranger than fiction.



Dear Psyche

I have this ... fear... of death. I mean, it's not like I'm afraid to die, but I'm afraid that the next time I won't be coming back. What do I do?

Signed, Athanatos Esti

Dear Athanatos

The best way to defeat your fears is to confront them. Take a deep breath and find yourself a hero(ine) and become his sidekick. I guarantee that you will die at least once. If you are a *really* good side kick you may even die two or three times, but don't wory, with a good hero(ine) as your guide, you can be sure you will be ressurected at least once (though I should warn you to avoid places like Sumeria or Britania while being reborn). With a little practice you may even get used to dying!


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