

In the fall of 1999, Angel left Sunnydale, California, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and landed in his own series, Angel. Angel has moved to Los Angelus, California. Along with Cordilia and Wesley, who have also spun off from Sunnydale to LA, he has formed a mystical detective angency in hopes of repenting for his life as Angelus. In the first season, Angel joined up with Cordilia, who has moved to LA to further her acting career, and Doyal, a half deamon half mortal man sent to be the link between Angel and The Powers that Be. Doyal recieved mind shaking head aches and visions of crimes happening in the city. Angel righted the wrongs in the vision. And Cordillia did the books and collected the money. However, half way through the season, Doyal gave is life to save the world. Upon departure, he kissed Cordellia passing on his powers. Soon, former watcher Wesley joined the team becoming the Giles of Angel.

Tucker Gates, Bruce Seth Green


David Boreanaz Angel/Angelus
Charisma Carpenter Cordelia Chase
Alexis Denisof Wesley Wyndham Pryce
Glenn Quinn Allen Francis Doyle
Elisabeth Rohm Kate Lockley