Count von Count

"I've now worked with the great cinematic masters: Spielberg, Lucas, Rubber Duckie, and the Count. My artistic life is complete!"
-Liam Neeson

He first appeared on Sesame Street in 1972, bringing millings of children in contact with their first vampire. From then on, we've been counting the ways we love him. He was born on October 9th, making him a Libra. But watch out girls, I was as shocked to learn as you are that he already has a girlfriend, The Countess Dahling von Dahling.*

Count von Count
Countess Dahling von Dahling
Countess von Backward

* If anyone has information on The Countess von Backward or has a picture of her or The Countess Dahling von Dahling Please e-mail me. Thankyou.

Count von Count Jerry Nelson
Countess Dahling von Dahling Fran Brill
Countess von Backward Camille Bonora

For the rest of the cast of Sesame Street, go here

Vampries In Television
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