Count Duckula

The city of Transelvania has been subject to a long lineage of vampire ducks. The villiagers have learned to stay away from Castle Duckula. Due to a mix up in the spell used to bring the latest Count Duckula back to life, the grousome creature is a vegitarian. A cross between Count Dracula and Donald Duck, he is hunted for his ancestors evil doings by Dr. von Gooswing. Along with his servants, Nanny and Igor, he escapes the Doctor by using his magical coffin to teleport himself, his house, and everything in it to different parts of the world.


David Jason Count Duckula
Jack May Igor
Brian Trueman Nammu
Jimmy Hibbert Dr. Von Goosewing
Barry Clayton Narator
Ruby Wax Others

Vampires In Television
Deaths Domain
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