Dark Shadows

Barnabas Collins is engaged to Josette du Pres. Before he is able to marry her, Angelique Bouchard casts a spell on Josette causing her to marry Barnabas' brother. She soon tries to trick Barnabas into marring her. When she fails, he shoots her. Believing that she is dying, Angelique casts a spell on Barnabas. "You will never rest. And you will never be able to love. Whoever loves you will die. That is my curse and you will live with it through all eternity." A vampire bat then flies through the window and turns Barnabas into a vampire. Joshua Collins learns of his son's affliction and locks him in a coffin in a hidden room of the mausoleum. He is found years later by Willie Loomis. He introduces himself to his family, generations later, as a long lost English cousin.

Angelique Bouchard is turned into a vampire after she appears as Cassandra Collins, new bride of Robert Collins. Her brother, a warlock, has come to stay with her. When she disrupts his plans, he turns her into a vampire. When she learns that Barnabas has been cured of his vampirism, she turns him again in hopes that he will live out eternity with her. Instead, he kills her by setting her on fire.


Um... I was going to put the cast here but then I found the cast and it just goes on and on. So here's a link to where you can see the cast. 1966 Cast


Yet again, here is a link to where you can find the cast. 1991 Cast

Deaths Domain
Vampires on Television
Email Me at UndeadChild@hotmail.com