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Making Headz

Making Headz

OK Start by saving the head default below

Then use Magic Wand and select the black area

Then do whatever graphix U think look spiffy.

Then Save It as something you'll remember.

Then Open up genesis (if u don't have genesis u can get it at

Click GIF Backround

The Click Browse and Locate your Image.

Once you have that loaded click Add Slot and type in the following X Position: 31 Y Position: 31 Width: 102 Height: 116 and that should fit just right. Click Ok

Then Click Create Head, just to be save make a GEN dile, and name what u want. Once all is saved, On Vp go to Start Game and load your head.

And Thats That, Give all credit to me, lol, seeing I get asked this all the time. And of Course VOTE!