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Apollo Sounds

Apollo: "You can't tell me I'm not adored! You pathetic little half-god..."
Apollo: "Hey kids, how bout a barbeque?"
Apollo: "Oh, Hercules, you sound so brave!"
Apollo: "Hey Hercules, nice moves brother."
Apollo: "You're in my yard now buddy!"
Apollo: "Bye bye guys! HAHAHAHAHA Let's go catch some race!"
Apollo: "What will the children say?"
Apollo: "Well, how would you feel if you caught 3 mortals on your turf, or should I say 2 and a half."
Apollo: "I'm the God..."
Apollo: "I don't have to stand here and take this! I'm Apollo!" Hercules: "Yeah we all know, you're Apollo, God of the Sun, yeah whatever! You know what, keep telling yourself that and you'll have someone to talk to..."
Apollo: "Hercules? I didn't recognize you at first...huh, guess the joke's on me."
Apollo: "Whatever! The point is you tried to kill him!"
Apollo: "Yah, this is the life."
Apollo: "Oh, so let me get this straight, when you mame, kill, and pillage, oh it's strictly business, right?"
Apollo: "Awwww isn't this sweet? You sure make a cute couple." "We were only talking" "About my favorite subject, me..."
Apollo: "Mortals? on my beach? No way!"
Apollo: "Well if you can't stand the heat, then you better get out of the Academy!"
Apollo: "Come on! You're the son of Zeus! You're entitled! If not you, then who?!"
Apollo: "Welcome home little brother! I've kept a light burning for you."
Apollo: "You can say whatever you like. They worship me."

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