Ares Sounds

Ares: "Maybe...Gods can change too."
Ares Laughing
Ares: "How do you mortals get from day to day, ya know?"
Ares: "Take my advice, back off."
Ares: "Do I always have to be after something?"
Ares: "They'll see it. It's a God thing."
Ares: "What in the name you think you're doing?"
Ares: "This is nonsense."
Ares: "You are way out of your league."
Ares: "Sanctimonious stooge."
Ares: "If you've noticed she is crazy."
Ares: "Hey, just stop it! Stop it right now!"
Ares: "Behold, your former mentor and still greatest fan at your service."
Ares: "I am Ares, God of war! I will not end up as some foot note in the analyst of history!"
Ares: "Dammit I like it!"
Ares: "When it comes to physical punishment, I invented the art."
Ares: " that's what it's like. Not so bad really." (Gabrielle responds)
Ares: "Let the game begin."
Ares: "Hello Xena, whatsa matter? Don't you recognize an old friend."
Ares: "Oops, I forgot. Bad doesn't ring a bell in you does it?"
Ares: "I never lied to you Xena. Oh, decieved, manipulated, yeah, but a God need never lie."
Ares: "Hardly a suitable situation for a warrior princess."
Ares: "Some unbearably smelly farmers beating you half to death. This is grotesque."
Ares: "Until next time, Xena. Until next time."

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