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Artemis Sounds

Artemis: "These guys are cuter...give me a break."
Artemis: "We've waited long enough. Aphrodite never was a good loser, She must have chickened out."
Artemis: "I've been hunting stag all morning, I need to clean up."
Artemis: "He doesn't like to be he suggested we come down here and find a mortal to decide the winner."
Artemis: "You Fool!"
Artemis: "How would you like to be the greatest warrior the world has ever seen? Even greater than Hercules..."
Artemis: "Who's the most beautiful?"
Artemis: "So what exactly is the plan?"
Artemis: "We all have our strengths...she's a nerd, im a jock, but miss air head can't leave well enough alone."
Artemis: "And if that doesn't do it for you, i can make you the world's greatest wresler, or fastest runner...think about it."
Artemis: "A competition, which I intend to win.

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