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Cupid Sounds

Cupid: "Yah, easy come, easy go."
Cupid: "Yah, well, I was a little tied up."
Cupid: "You want to go to sleep?"
Cupid: "Yah, that's my boy!"
Cupid: "Uhhh! boy...things we do for love."
Cupid: "It happens."
Cupid: "Deal!"
Cupid: "For once in your life would you give me a straight answer! What have you done?"
Cupid: "So you lose a few temples! Big deal! This is love!"
Cupid: "There's nothing to be afraid of...I don't bite."
Cupid: "Sorry, can't do that, ok, get him boys!"
Cupid: "Oh you always do this! You're gonna find some hero right? Like Thesius or Persius, throw your little lust spell on them, then POW, they're your boy toys."
Cupid: "You're so close to being cool!"
Cupid: "I don't believe it! Did Tarturus freeze over?!"
Cupid: "Maybe she gets it better than any of us."
Cupid: "I'd never do anything to hurt you. ok?"
Cupid: "I don't get it...why can't i just be like everybody else? All i want to do is cherish Psyche forever.""
Cupid: "I'm Cupid."
Cupid: "Jealousy? oh that's rich coming from you. You're the one who's jealous, cause everyone's talking bout Psyche instead of you, course it's even worst, cause she's mortal."
Cupid: "I don't want to lose you."
Cupid: "No deal. From now on, I'm my own boss."
Cupid: "How could you do that? That's way not fair!"
Cupid: "Mom, you have got to let me live my own life!"
Cupid: "What's your name little girl?" Gabrielle "Gabrielle, well Gabrielle, when you goddess of love does something pety and spiteful, she can be a tad bit difficult to reason with."
Cupid: "That sucks! Well congratulations, mom. You've managed to mess up yet another one of my perfect matches. How can you call yourself the goddess of love?"
Cupid: "Yo Mom! What up?"
Cupid: "Show some class, mom. You can't always have everything your way."

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