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Cupid:GOD of Love

"Hey there, I'm Cupid, the GOD of LOVE and my mother is Aphrodite. I only appear every so often, so you don't see much of me.I have wings and I shoot golden bows at people to make them fall in love and when I do, they fall in love with the first living thing they see, including animals. I'm remembered the most on Valentines Day."

"Well, BYE."

"This site is cool. Go here!"
Kriket's Cupid page

"This site makes me look good."
Ped's page

"This site is Especially for my fans. Stop by there."
Shrine to Urbanites

"This site is majorly under construction."
"This is one of my Temples, don't forget to stop by there."
Temple of Cupid

"Learn about the man who brought me back to life."
Karl Urban Bio

"Awesome! Go on in...I know you never get enough of me!"
Cupid in The Fan-Attik

"A cool site with info and links on me."
"This site Has many pictures of me. It's great. Stop by here."
The Cupid Wing

"This is another page I own. Come check it out."
Cupid's Page on Anything

"This site has more of me. Go on in."