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Zeus Sounds

Zeus: "You've always held a special place in my heart, Hercules, but it's a place that can as easily be filled by your loving memory."
Zeus: "You selfish pup! You walk through life reaping the benefits of my immortal blood and all the while you look down on us. Do you really believe that humanity can survive without Gods?"
Zeus: "Well, well, the two of you together. It's not to late to change your mind."
Zeus: "Everything has a begining, but it wouldn't be fair if it didn't have an end too."
Zeus: "Then I shall rid the world of Xena and Hercules myself."
Zeus: "It takes the simplicity of a child to teach us the most obvious lesson. Evander was right. Sometimes we can just start over."
Zeus: "Our eternity will have to be cut short, dear wife." Hera speaks "You disappoint me" Hera speaks again "And the last."

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