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GardFireMistare's WorldsFireGard

Site Map

What is this place you ask, well simply put it is a place in-between many different worlds and times. From here there is a infinite number of places you can go. Though all the doorways may not be open, or not open directly there is much to do here.

You ask who my little friend is above? Well her name is Lessa and she has chosen to reside here to greet everyone who comes by. If you get confused where to find something or what some thing is just give her a pet and say please and she'll head you in the right direction.

And me? Well that's a little more difficult to explain quickly here, my name is Mistare NeverDream Also know by a few as Solar Andraste, but very few. (I created these names for charters in one of my novels that I've written so if you see any others they must have got this name from this site because I'm the orginal one. And if your thinking of stealing my name don't it's really not nice so go make up your own and talk to me and I'll think you something cool up.) Well if you want to find out more go look around I've a few clues here and there.

By the by, watch your step, some dragons have taken up residence here to protect the HomeWorld, unfortuanly that means they also made themselves at home. So it's gotten really hot around here lately. They seem to think everying need to be set on fire, even if it won't burn. I do not undersand how Lessa can tolerate it but, she always running around.

If you noticed many door ways have been closed till I have time to work on them more, with all the changes going on it might be some time before they are back up, others have simply have not been needed and disapated. Many of them have been added to other sections of this site, wich will probabbly happen to a few more as I work on it more.

~New~ Add name to our guest map and see who else has been here! You can do this in the map room. Gifts are awarded...

~New~ There's A few more easter eggs around. So if I were you I'd keep a carefull eye out, sometimes there are prizes awarded.

Hey I've got some great idea's for personality quizzes, but one ploblem don't know the html to write them. Any help is really wellcome.

Don't be afraid to send me a line, I love getting comments. Suggestions are great as well! I sometimes don't get around to replying till the weekend, but I try.

Ya, I know my spelling sucks. You should see it when I'm trying to write in german or latin. But tell me of the mistakes and I'll get around to correcting them someday.

Ya, is a word, sorta, Texas slang at least. It's part of my relaxed writing style. Basically, how I talk in person. So it's here to stay.

Also most of the art work on here has been collected all over the internet, if you see something that is yours let me know so I can credit it to you.

If your a little lost, try the map room.
Navagation is explained there. It's pretty simple once you get the basics.
Gives you for the most part just direct links and page summaries.

symbolMain DoorWayssymbol

Map Room

Yue Shrine

My Art
The Spirit Realm
Mystic Falls
The Portal
The Universe
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