Note From Sailor Kaos:
Some people might think that this is my first attempt at a webpage, but sadly,
your very wrong. I admit I still have alot to learn but I do all of this by hand, adding all the html and such.
I don't use any webpage programs. I choose to do them by hand and I enjoy it.
I like doing things the hard way and that's just my style.
If you really don't like that fact, then I guess the best thing to do is not view my work ne?
For those of you that came to look at the images and stuff and don't care about this, then good.
I hope you all enjoy the images and the small bits of info on this page. A webpage takes time and patience.
It's not something you just throw together. Actually, I would like to hear your critizism and opinions.
It would help me greatly. I would like to know what people want to view and such.
It makes a webpage that much better. I've been to pages that people, claim, they have lots of experience in web design
and I've found the pages pretty boring and just plain ugly. I won't name names but anyways. Please enjoy your viewing,
of this page and sorry for all this junky babbling.
Sailor Kaos