This page is dedicated to my grand children. I have missed a lot in there young life.
You came so unexpectedly that night
You to become special in my life
You seeped in like the fog rolling in
No distance can keep you from finding
The love I keep locked in my heart.
Bringing me the hope of you having the key
To unleash the love I keep locked away
I thought I would never find the one.
And though we live so very far apart
I see you have the key
No distance can keep you from being the one
To unlock my heart for the love
I have to give to you freely.
I feel your presence deep with in me
I feel the bond between us will live on forever.
It would be a wonderful day
when the distance was no more.
Our love would finally open like a bud into a rose.
But until that day
You'll have the key for the lock to my heart
The love remains safely there
For you are the one who has the key to unlock my heart
Retrieve the special love.