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Little sprites weaving flowers in
your mane,What is it that
you are, do you even have a name?
Liquid brown eyes gaze softly
in the light.Could I touch you,
mount you, ride you if I might?
Garlands of daisies hang sweetly
from your coat,
Hair as smooth as satin
touch fingers as I stoke.
Fields of buds and clover
are the mattress for your bed.
Is that horn you carry
so heavy for your head?
Nostrils quiver slightly as
the breezes softly sigh,
A world of other creatures are
reflected in your eyes.
Little butterflies with elfin hands
fly briskly to and fro,
Living in a world with you that
I will never know.
Your step is silent as you
trod across the stream,
Only to become luminescent
in the moon's reflecting beam.
Only good and happy things will
happen to you here,
Living in another space
where man cannot come near.

Fairy child
Only God Knows Why
My Pics!
Angel Baby
Gods Garden
Butterfly Kisses
Angel Friends
Grandmas Legacy
Dream Angels
Cherished Friends
Tommarrow Poem
Angel poem
True Love
Love Lost
My WWF Pages
Lasting Love
ShyWorld Main Page
Cyber Adoptions