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The Rest about Hristo

Michael Laudrup
"He has an awful character,explosive and even wondery.I honestly think that the gathering of the four characters Hristo,Cruiff,Ronald and me was one of the biggest accomplishments of the 'Cruiff era'."
Chici Begiristain
"At first sight Hristo is difficult for contacts.On the other hand he is a very pleasant guy.The impression of an always angry guy that he has created in us in most cases is true,but not absolutely.The opposite is possible too,despite being angry he can go on saying jokes.That is he himself and noone can change him."
Michele Platini
"Hristo is a player with a character,but he is also a natural-born talent,who is able to show astonishing moves in the most difficult situatons.He is constantly participating in the game.He is not the common met type of a player,cause he has many specific qualities.
Quickness,bravery,exact strike and a non-mistaking flair for the goal."
Diego Armando Maradona
"Stoichkov and I are friends,not only because we are strong in the field,but also because we are crazy heads.I wish that we could play in one and the same team,but destiny always passes us each other.I hope that at least we will never be rivals."
Eric Cantona
"Stoichkov is among the biggest actors in world football.I would call him vulcanical.Compared to him I look apathetic.There is no way for his famous career to be forgotten."
Bobby Robson
"He is like a mayor of Barcelona.Football seems an easy game with him.Hristo is like an explosive in the field.A man that doesn't give up,even when everything seems to be hopeless,he can decide the outcome of every single game on his own."

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