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19th August 1999

Today after 12 o'clock Hristo Stoichkov left Combat Hospital and went to finish his recovery in the sanatorium in Bankja.Tomorrow in 11 Hristo is giving a press-conference together with the doctor's equip treating him.

('Darik' Radio) Newspaper)

18th August 1999

Hristo Stoichkov may be moved from Combat hospital to a sanatorium in Bankja for a few days additional recovery.The Dagger's leaving the hospital is soon expected.

('Labour'('Trud') Newspaper)

15th August 1999

Hristo was also visitted by the executing director of Bulgarian Football Union Ivan Vutsov and the president of CSKA Luboslav Penev.Lubo shared with his friends that he is obliged to take care of the Dagger,because of the incredible acting of Stoichkov,when Penev got ill right before the World Cup Finals in USA.The head-coach of CSKA Dimitar Penev thinks of visitting the Dagger this mourning before the match with 'Velbajd'.The players themselves think to devote the win over the team of Kjustendil to their idol.
The telephone workers in Combat Hospital are living through a second nightmare day.They are poured with phonecalls wishing sooner recovery to the megastar of our native football.Tens of people,who wished Hristo quick improvement have passed from the mourning through the hospital. Big fans of Stoichkov intend to wait in front of Combat Hospital tomorrow to see their idol leaving the hospital healthy.(See what Dimitar Dimitrov-national team selectioner says)

('24 Hours' Newspaper)

15th August 1999

Yesterday Stoichkov enjoyed the following visit of his mother-in-law Pepa as well as the phone calls with his parents,who are probably coming from Plovdiv for the today's visit.Hristo is constantly keeping in touch with his wife Mariana,who is in Spain with both their daughters.Despite the big number of applicants only a very limitted circle of people have access to Hristo's room,who regained his good mood at once and was joking with friends as always.The Dagger was still feeling slight tingling of his hands and was from time to time looking at the small scar,left on the place,where his watch was fully melted by the 220 Volts of the electrical hit.The treating equip was very pleased with Stoichkov,because he was keeping all the requirements and directions and switched off his mobiphone to remain in absolute silence,when necessary.The doctors convinved Stoichkov,that with such a healing rest the famous patient will soon leave the hospital healthy.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

14th August 1999


Hristo is still in Combat Medical Academy under the increased cares of the doctors.He is going through absolutely full examinations as the doctors say.He has hardly gone through so many examinations even in the most active golden football years.What exactly happened to Itzo and how he feels we will try to talk with the man closest to him in the recent years like a friend and like a medical person Hristo Zaprjanov(See the interview).

('Darik' Radio)

14th August 1999

Stoichkov recovering well from electric shock

SOFIA, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Hristo Stoichkov, Bulgaria's gifted soccer veteran, is recovering well after suffering an electric shock and is expected to leave Sofia's military hospital on Monday, state news agency BTA said on Saturday. ``Stoichkov feels weel today and Thursday's incident has caused no complications. He will remain in hospital until Monday when he will undergo medical checks,'' BTA said. Local media reports said that Stoichkov, 33, inadvertently touched a bare electric cable in his new suburban house near Sofia.

13th August 1999

Stoichkov hospitalized after being shocked

Hristo Stoichkov, the greatest player in Bulgarian soccer history, has been hospitalized here after receiving an electric shock in his home, Bulgarian television reported here on Friday. Stoichkov, deputy mayor of his home town of Plovdiv, was undergoing medical tests in Sofia's military hospital.

('Nando Media' , 'Agence France-Press')

13th August 1999


Yesterday evening in an emergency case Stoichkov was accepted in Combat Hospital.There he was accomodated in a general's room opened specially for him.He explained the doctors' team that he has touched naked wires with his watch in his country house in Bojana,where he was with friends.According to our sources the treating doctor of Hristo is called Dr Mironov.Again according to our sources Hristo is accomodated in Emergent Abdomen Surgery on the 5th floor.Noone explained why after he has been hit by electricity he is accomodated nowhere else but in Abdomen Surgery.His state as a whole is good.Stoichkov has strong fear,increased blood pressure and according to the doctors normal IN SUCH CASES problems with the heart activity.

('Darik' Radio)

11th August 1999

Yesterday Stoichkov said that on the 18th of August he is going to travel with our first team to Ukrain,this time not as a footbal player.The Dagger fiercely denied the gossips that he will once again dress in the equip of CSKA.His plans include a travelling to Japan for a final arranging of the terms with Kashiwa Reysol.The national team selectioner Dimitar Dimitrov is happy about the opportunity Stoichkov to be with the team in Kiev(See interview).

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

8th August 1999

Hristo Stoichkov missed the first match of his Japanese team Kashiwa Reysol of the new Japanese championship.

('Bulgarian National Radio Horizon')

5th August 1999

Stoichkov would have joined Litex(Bulgarian Chamopion),if they had won their game versus Widzew Lodz(Poland),(actually Litex lost last night after penalties) and qualified for the next round of the Champion's League,where they had to face Fiorentina,as Dimitar Dimitrov-consultant in the team of Lovetch for the Eurotournaments says.However there were negotiations with Japanese Kashiwa Reysol coming.From the country of the rising sun they announced that who wants Stoichkov must pay 500 000 USD.But it is very likely for the sum drastically to chnage,if the team of Lovetch wants him only for the Eurotournaments.

('Standart' Newspaper)

27th July 1999

'Mallorca' wants Hristo only for their Champions League matches.They are ready to pay the failure in his contract with Kashiwa Reysol.'Mallorca' is ready to pay Kashiwa 500 000 USD and Stoichkov-50 000 USD a match.

('24 Hours' Newspaper)

27th July 1999

Stoichkov has travelled for Palma de Mallorca to negotiate with the local team said Hristo Zaprjanov-The Associate Professor his closest friend in Sofia.Hristo's manager Mingea is trying to make the deal for him,who recently refused to continue his contract with Kashiwa Reysol.

('Standart' Newspaper)

23rd July 1999

Yesterday Hristo Stoichkov said that he will support Luboslav Penev on the elections for president of CSKA.

('Darik' Radio)

23rd July 1999

Close friends to Stoichkov said that he is travelling for a day or two to Spain,after which he is travelling to Japan.The ex-golden ball winner is still hesitating,whether he must stay with Kashiwa Reysol for the new season.According to informed people he has an attractive offer from a French team.

('Meridian Match' Newspaper)

22nd July 1999

Yetserday Hristo Stoichkov appeared by surprise on the pre-election meeting of Luboslav Penev with the veterans of his native club.Hours before that Hristo once more refused to share with the journalist his position in front of the common meeting.

('Standart' Newspaper)

20th July 1999

Stoichkov for a minister?

Is the Union of Democratic Powers(Bulgarian party) ready to input a red player in a blue government?(according to '24 Hours' Newspapers)
Hristo's positive qualities:
-Hard Head-irreconcilable character,he will fight for the sport until he has strengths.
-Famous Face-the most famous Bulgarian,an excellent ambassador in the sport world.
-Hard Back-a protege of the president as a man,who comes from Plovdiv.
-Wide Fingers-he can create a strong equip.
-Big Heart-great and honest patriot,he dies for his country.
-Strong Elbows-familiar with the intrigues in sport.
The negative qualities.
-Big Mouth-he talks what he wants to,he is angry with the media-a thing inadmissible for a politician.
-Red Jersey-Levski fans don't like him(Levski is the all-time rival of CSKA,where Hristo came from).
-Weak Waist-he is inflexible,he will apply for retirement,when things are not what he wants them to be.
-Modern Left Foot-this betrays his relations relations with the ex-rulers.
-Undevellopped Right Foot-he has no close relations with todays rulers.
-Heel of Achilles-his education is not enough.

('24 Hours' Newspaper)

19th July 1999

The night after the beneficial match all the players from the Penev team(incl. Hristo) had an official dinner in one of the halls in the Winter Palace in Sofia.After that they moved(already with their families) to the restaurant 'Eldorado',the favourite place of Dimitar Penev.As we could understand from the talks Hristo Stoichkov will support Luboslav Penev for his applying for the president post in CSKA Sofia.

('Standart' Newspaper)

18th July 1999

Hristo made the funniest thing in the match

After being substituted Hristo sat on the substitute couch.In a few minutes the ball went out of the field for a touch-throw.It was very close to the couch,where Hristo was sitting.At once he rose up,took the ball and passed the touch-throw to Velko Jotov.The referee Atanas Uzunov didn't see that Stoichkov,who was already substituted, threw the ball and whatr happened.Jotov scored and the referee Uzunov(Hristo's best man) showed the center of the field,which meant that he accepts the goal.In the audience we roared with laughter and continued calling 'Itzo,itzo,Itzo......' as during the whole match.After referee Uzunov understood what has happened he reversed the goal and showed a red card to Hristo.It was very funny situation and all the media here discussed it as a very nice joke.

18th July 1999

Yesterday it was a beautiful and at the same time a sad day for Bulgaria.The fourth in the world came back together for the last time to bring us all to the memories of 1994,when we were all crying with happiness.Though they had a little bit silvered hairs and a few more killograms the heroes once again proved to us that our country has what to be proud of.
In fact this was a lovely goodbye in which everybody who lives with the football could hardly hold his or her tears.This time tears of pride.
Whatever words we use,they are weak,because Bulgarian football turned its golden page,this time forever or a least until our next golden generation appears.
We all owe to all of our World Cup 1994 heroes the beautiful dream we are still dreaming five years later.They made us dream.
That is why boys Bulgaria is thankful and those you made happy in 1994 wish you the best of luck in the world.

And let God be with you!

Before the beneficial match that took place yesterday Hristo Stoichkov gave Bulgarian president Petar Stoyanov a ball with the autographs of all our stars from the World Cup finals 5 years ago(in fact Hristo passed 1 metre from me when he did this).Before the show Stoichkov also took part in the cutting of the special cake that was made for the case,it looked like a fooball field,in the middle of which was a photo of the world cup heroes,five candles and this was surrounded by small sugar fooball players. Our lions were together like in the good old days.'Vassil Levski' stadium was surrounded with autograph seekers and watchers.A match NOT EVEN A QUALIFICATION gathered them together again.Like in the good old days!(During all the game the audience we didn't stop calling 'Itzo!Itzo!Itzo......',It was great to be there and I am so happy that I myself didn't miss it)
As it used to be before Hristo Stoichkov was among the first.The Dagger was in the centre of attention-where his place belongs to!Who said that the two from the national team 1994 Stoichkov and Balakov can't wtach each other.The aces shook hands with each,hugged each other and kissed each other.
They satisfied lots of beggings for autographs and after that the fourth in the world began retelling stories to each other,which reminded them of the good old times.
Yesterday Hristo didn't care of his personal car and went to travel with the rest.Of course he sat on the first seat.Itzo talked long with Hristo Danov-president of Bulgarian football union during the World Cup finals 1994.
When leaving even Balakov decided to travel with the expensive car of Letchkov.To show that everything is ok Hristo called him "Starry,won't you come here and travel with us?"(actually Starry is the nickname that Balakov created for Stoichkov).Krassimir Balakov smiled politely,joined the group and all together went to 'Ambassador' hotel to have a rest from the official lunch,that Bulgarian football union gave for them.Again there everything took place under the sign of jokes and memories.Another couple of two SO CALLED enemies Kostadinov and Stoichkov were talking on one table about the future.Petar Mihtarski was honestly admittimg that he played his ONE minute in the World Cup finals 1994 thanks to Hristo Stoichkov's making coach Penev let him play. HERE IS HOW FOR ONE DAY BULGARIA WAS AGAIN A FOURTH FOOTBALL POWER IN THE WORLD.(See Hristo interview)

('Trud'('Labour'),'Meridian Match' and 'Seven Days Sports' Newspapers')

14th July 1999

Yesterday at noon football superstar Hristo Stoichkov flew away from Barcelona to Madrid to show his respect for the invitation of Bulgarian president Petar Stoyanov and his wife Antonina and to be present to a reception in Bulgarian embassy,which Bulgarian president gave yesterday in the Sapnish capital,because of his official visit here.Itso filled the suitcases hard with elegant suits,he has even prepared a dress-coat(See inteview).On Friday Itzo comes in Bulgaria for the match of the Penev team versus the team chosen from the national selectioner Dimitar Dimitrov.Stoichkov confirmed that he is quite fit,because he trained hard every day.

('Standart' Newspaper)

13th July 1999

'Hristo and me are probably travelling from Barcelona to Bulgaria on Friday'-Ivajlo Jordanov.

('Seven Days Sports' Newspaper)

12th July 1999

  Today Hristo is meeting his friend and candidate for the president post of CSKA Sofia Luboslav Penev in Barcelona.Together they will be discussing the tactics for the common meeting of the team on the 23rd of July.

('24 Hours' Newspaper)

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