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Hristo about his teammates

Andony Zubizaretta:
"As a door-keeper he made us feel fully smooth and for me he is one of the best door-keepers in the world.I couldn't understand how can people criticize him.Whenever we had to find Cruiff for a talk he was always there to help us."
Michael Laudrup
"He is too sensitive and keeps a stiff upper lip too much.A few are these that understand the soccer game that good like him.He can only be compared to Diego Armando Maradona,Bernd Schuster and Roberto Baggio.They all make everything very easy and with elegance.They are phenomenal."
Andony Goicoechea
"He is brave,he has great qualities and is a perfect man.One of the best defenders,halves and attackers.There is no overestimating in my words.He plays good enough form both sides of the field.How many people in the world can do this?"
Sera Lorenco Ferrer
"In the field Ferrer is what he is in life-responsible, requirable, critical and over all a real worker. He is completely ready to lead a team like Barca. There are many reasons for me to support him, because I know him very well.Just look at what he did with teams like Mallorca and Betis and this says everything.After that he decided to work for the juvenile school of Barca, though he had offers from many other teams.He is a real worker in the field and not some cabinet specialist like Van Gaal.Ferrer is a real professionalist and I wish him luck from my heart."
                                                        Hristo Stoichkov

                                                  ('100% Stoichkov')
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