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Welcome to My First Angel


This is my first grandaughter, Jennifer. She is now 15, I remember the day my daughter told me I was going to be a grandmother. I was not happy thinking becoming a grandmother meant I was old. I cried for hours that Mother's Day. That anger didn't last too long and I'm so glad it didn't. From the day she was born I have been the proudest grandmother there is. Jennifer this page is a tribute to you I have been blessed with yet another gift from heaven. Thanks for being who and what you are. I'm so proud of you.

Jennifer has always excelled in school, she's a straight "A" student. She is recognized in an Academically Gifted club for smart students. Her favorite subject in school is Health.. She participates in many school activities, basketball, softball, cheerleading, school plays writes articles for the school newspaper and plays the trumpet in band. She loves to dance and sing. In her spare time she loves to swim, chatting and spending the night with friends and camping and rock climbing with her family. She enjoys music and Sarah McLaughlin's song "I Love You" is her favorite song.

This year has brought many changes in Jennifer's life. Her activities have icreased dramatically. She competes against High School students in regional and state competitions in subjects like Science, Math and Literary. She was invited to march with the High School band and recently went to Disney World to compete with the High School band there. They returned from the competition with many first place trophies. Jennifer wanted to become a P. E. teacher, however with these competitions she is leaning towards High School Mathmatics.

Now in High School, Jennifer competes in track and field events continues marching with the band and takes some college level courses. She has remained on the deans list. This year she was a member of the Pole vaulting team, 4x4 relays and hurdles. She made it to disctict competition, however tore a hamstring and was not able to compete. When she gets out of school and would like to take a trip to Australia. She loves teaching games to the children she babysits.

If I had to describe Jennifer it would be "she's my first little angel and a precious gift."

Jennifer and beau, Josh
at her Jr. High Prom
May, 2000

Jennifer in uniform,
Marching and District Band
High School 2000-2001

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<bgsound src="/tx2/TxTornado2/images/iluvu.wav" loop=infinite>

I Love You ~ Sarah McLaughlin

Page created July 12, 1999
Last updated December 18, 2004


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