It is Thanksgiving 1935, we have had a long hard year. We finished pulling bolls last month and plowed under the cotton. Boots shot a wild turkey for dinner with our families. Mama had her baby a little boy; she named him Scotty he is so beautiful and healthy. Boots plays with him and rocks him every chance he gets. But I can't bring myself to touch him I guess I don't understand why Mama's baby is healthy and ours died.
Today is Thanksgiving Day; we have been cooking for two days. We are having a feast this year we made blackberry cobbler, coconut pies, chocolate cake, coconut cake, turkey and cornbread dressing with every kind of vegetables for side dishes. We took it all to Papa & Mama's house; Boot's family all came to enjoy this with us. All the men and bigger kids are playing horseshoes and washers. Today is a warm sunny day for November. My Mama is a good cook when she has something to cook. Papa came home about a week ago but he has to go back Monday. He brought a jug of whiskey with him, that caused the worst argument with Mama he has ever had. Mama poured it out and Papa slept in the barn for three nights. Needless to say with all our family there we didn't have any leftovers. But we all had a feast. This is the first Thanksgiving I can remember that we had all the food we wanted. The dishes are all done and we all are sitting or lying around the house. Mr. Moore asked me to read from the bible. I have been reading from Psalms for them for the last few weeks. I read for two hours then it was getting dark, so everybody decided to go to his or her own homes. Mr. and Mrs. Moore had come in their wagon so Boots helped them hitch up the team and get the little ones in the wagon and covered up. The nights are cold.
I have had morning sickness for a week now, tonight I will tell Boots I am pregnant again he will be happy. I am scared. We borrowed a wagon and team today to go to town Saturday. We are out of flour and coal oil. It will be good to see Grandma Goodman; we haven't seen her since we lost our twins. I hope it doesn't rain, Mama and the kids are going with us and the baby doesn't need to be out in bad weather.
We were able to buy a few extras for Christmas some sugar and fruit. Boots loves fresh coconut. I hope Papa comes home for Christmas he hasn't been home since Thanksgiving and then he left on Friday, two days early. Boots bought me a box of candy for Christmas, he knows I love peanut brittle. We couldn't do much for the holiday this year; it was cold and wet. We did cut a pretty little pine tree and decorated it with popcorn and holly berries. Boots is cutting a cord of wood for Mr. Jones to exchange for a big ham.
My brother Leon just came to get us because Mama and Scotty are sick. It is Christmas Eve and the Doctor is here, he says they have pneumonia, I hope Papa is on his way home. Mama is really bad, but not as bad as the baby is. We have sat up with them for the last three days and nights. Scotty died this morning; Mama is better but not much. We missed Christmas; Papa got here Christmas Day drunk. But he was here when the baby died. We buried Scotty with our babies in the cemetery by the church. Mama was still to sick and weak to go to the funeral. The weather was terrible it sleeted and rained all day. It seemed the whole world was crying. I pray God hasn't forsaken us.