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In sitting here, looking back over the past sixty-five years I've been alive, I have so many images of so many many many many events...and I have forgotten far more than I remember. I think about the many fragmented parts that collectively sum up my existence and find that the fragments have fragments, leaving me with a sense of not seeing a whole but rather all the parts.

 Then I realized that this is what life is....especially in this country is it true. We are neither French, English, Italian, Irish, on and on, we are the fragments of them all, melding into not only the many nationalities but also the many special talents, nature, and tendencies of each and that, in my opinion, is what made and makes us the greatest country that ever existed. We are....Americans! We are a peculiar people in that we are all that has been and will be, we are the blending of all the world's people to become more special and exalted because we have all that they have and shaped it into the best that has ever been. It is my opinion that no other country can do what we have for one simple reason....they are too much alike and do not have a system that allows for the cream of the crop to rise into a position of getting things done.

 We Americans complain about many things that others wish they had and what we complain about the most is the things we can't change...only because we think we can do anything...and usually do! Like the weather...we actually think that someday...we are going to manage it. At first it sounds egotistical but when you look at it, we Americans just expect to do what ever we want to do. The only reason we have so many diverse groups of people complaining about the ills of this country is because we expect to fix it...we really believe we can...and by golly...I think someday we will. We lead because we don't stand still...we forge ahead...not always right but still trying. 


I am proud to be an American! No one can compare to us...of the past or present. We are...the best that humanity has to offer. I offer as proof ...our history. You smack us and knock us'd better be prepared for a fight to the finish...ask Japan. You challenge us to a duel? Take your chances...ask Russia. I could go on and on but mostly we take one step back and two forward especially when we make a mistake. That's why the fourth of July is important to me...not as a holiday...but to honor our be thankful we live in such a land that so many are so envious of...for the country is the people and the people are ...Americans...and why I get so incensed over the burning of our flag. It's not just a piece of clothe to me...the red in that flag to me is the blood of many who laid bleeding far from home and family...scared ...hurt and dying. The blue to me is the peaceful sky of freedom and the white ...the purity of intent our forefathers had in mind when they formed this republic. Where can you find better and I'd like to add...if you think this is something...wait until you see what's coming up! I'd like to leave you with this thought....what other country could fight between themselves as we have since we became a country and done as well as we have? So...this fourth of July when you're having your picnic or what ever you do...take a bit of time to look around and be proud that you are right the greatest land in the world...and that friend...are an American.

                                                                   Dick McCormick