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The Spirit of Summer




"Baby we just don't have any choice the Doctors you need to see are only at this clinic in Houston and your Daddy is the only person who can take the boys."


"Yes I know Danny is gonna be upset he was really looking forward to All Stars but he will understand."


"No Baby, I don't think they will blame you. I don't think they completely understand how sick you are but they know you need to see the Doctors."






"Do we have to go? He don't have a satellite or anything." Asked Dan.


"Son you are gonna have a lot of fun, you can play in the woods, go fishing all kinds of neat things."


Dan sat in the back seat and thought "Right, no Nintendo, no Satellite, no Blockbuster and the nearest McDonalds is an hours drive away."


"But Dad all he ever does is watch wrestling" Whined Dan


"Dan, that's enough. Your Papa is a nice guy and you need to spend some time with him. There are lots of kids down there, you will have fun."


Dan just slumped down in the back seat. A whole month or more in the middle of no where with only his dumb 7 year old brother and some 70 year old man for company.


"Dad can we play in the woods every day?" Asked Andy


"Sure, Son."


"So Cool"


For the rest of the drive down to Grand Saline Andy rambled on about how much fun he would have out in the woods, while Dan pouted.


They arrived in Grand Saline about noon and pulled into the yard. Andy jumped out of the car and ran into the Trailer. Dan got out of the car and looked around. Tree's, Cows and an old beat up Trailer House was all he saw. "Dad do I gotta?' he whined.


"Yes Son, I'm sorry but you have to stay here while I take your Mother to Houston. I know you don't think its fair and I'm sorry but we really didn't have any choice."


Odel Houge stuck his head out of the Trailer and shouted "Hey, where's my baby?"


"I'm sorry Odel, she didn't feel up to the drive down here. Dan you go play for awhile I need to talk to your Papa."


Dan went storming into the house slamming the door so hard the whole trailer shook. He flopped down on the couch and asked "What's wrong with the TV?"


"Papa said that's as good a pitcher as he can get" answered Andy.


"Great, just great its so bad you can't even tell Wolverine from Beast!" griped Dan.


"Dan why are you so mad? I thought you liked Papa" asked Andy.


"I do like Papa but I don't get to go to All Stars cause we gotta spend at least a month down here." Sighed Dan "I know Momma has to go see that special Dr in Houston and Dad has to go with her but it just aint fair."


Andy jumped up laughing and swinging his arms like they were a bat and said "Downtown Dan knocks another one out of the park. Hey Dan, Papa said he has a tank stocked with fish, you wanna go check it out with me?"


"Ok, lets go down their, its gotta be better than Hick TV. You go find the fishing stuff and I'll tell Dad and Papa."


Dan went outside to tell his Dad they were gonna go down to the tank and was shocked to see his Papa crying. Dan asked "Papa are you OK?"


Odel looked down at Dan and said "Yea Kiddo, I'm fine, your Dad was just telling me some bad news."


"Dad, Papa, me and Andy are gonna go check out the tank. Andy thinks he can catch some fish" Dan said with a smile.


"Ok son but don't get to dirty your Papa wants to go to Casey's Catfish for supper."


"Ok Dad"




As the two boys walked through the woods behind the trailer Dan pointed out some of the wild animals he saw. "Andy you see that thing that looks like an Army helmet with legs? That's an Armadillo, Papa says they make great chili."


"Dan, how can an Army Dillo make chili they don't got no hands?"


With a laugh Dan said "No Banana Brain you make chili out of the Armadillo. Sometimes you are such a total dufus."


The boys got to the tank and Dan baited both of their hooks "See you just slip the string through the little hole in the hook and tie it real good. Then stick one of those plastic worms on it. Then throw it in the water like this. " After 15 minutes Dan pulled in the first fish. Thirty minutes, 4 fish and 12 plastic worms later Andy caught his first fish. Andy ran all the way to the trailer waving the 3 inch fish and shouting "I Caught a fish! I Caught a fish!" Dan packed up their tackle box and started walking back smiling all the way.


Later that evening as they sat around the table at Casey's Catfish Odel called the owner over and said "Casey, My Grandson Andy here caught his first fish today a real Monster. You might wanna hire the boy to keep you supplied in Catfish."


Casey laughed and said "Odel I just might have to do that."


Dan chimed in "he's a born fisherman, better than I was at his age."


Andy just sat there and beamed, soaking in his Papa's praise and his brother's approval.


"Odel how long are these two fishermen gonna be in town cutting into my business." Casey asked with a wink.


"We get to spend the rest of the summer with Papa while Mommy visits a Mr. Anderson in Houston" Said Andy


"Banana Brain Momma is going to Dr. Anderson's clinic in Houston so she won't be tired all the time." Scolded Dan


Casey looked at Odel and silently mouthed a word. Odel nodded and Casey said "We will pray for yall Odel. Now Yall enjoy your food and I expect to see a lot of you two this summer."


"Papa when we leave here can we stop at Walmarts, we sorta ran out of those little worms and hooks. Papa, I also need to get some colors and a coloring book. I have my own money" Said Andy.


"Well, kiddo its getting kinda late how about if we go over in the morning and get all the stuff we need. Yall can help me make out a grocery list of what you will eat and we will stock up."


Dan Said "Peanut Butter, Smooth, Skippy Peanut Butter and the Strawberry Jelly that has the dots in it."


"Papa can we get Coco Puffs or Fruit Loops Dad always buys those yucky cereals that are supposed to be good for us?" asked Andy


Odel smiled and said "I think we could handle that. Well boys yall about ready to head for the house, wrestling comes on in about 30 minutes?"


Early the next morning they were sitting around the Table making out a grocery list and eating Biscuits and Gravy.


"Papa what are those black specks in the gravy?" asked Andy


"Pepper, they make it taste better. The sausage is almost ready and I expect you two to put all those blankets and pillows up before we go into town. Andy we didn't have any accidents last night did we?"


"No Papa"


"Good, I knew you could do it, after all you are a big boy now. Ok lets see here yall want Pop Tarts, Capn Crunch, Nacho Chips and Cheese, Frozen Pizza's and Chicken nuggets."


"Honey, Papa you didn't right down Honey" Chimed in Dan. "I Cant eat Chicken nuggets without Honey."


"Papa you better put colors and a coloring book on the list so we don't forget. Here is my money." Said Andy as he handed 17 cents to Odel.


"Can we get some Not Enuffs?" asked Andy.


Odel smiled and said "ok, I'll bite what are Not Enuffs?"


"That's what Daddy calls Them. They are bagel bites, pizza rolls , little corny dogs, chicken planks and fish sticks all mixed together." Said Andy


"Dad calls them that because we have them when the bags and boxes are almost empty. And theres Not Enough of any one thing to make a full meal" Said Dan


After finishing their breakfast the two boys straightened up the living room and got dressed.


Odel and the boys loaded up in his pick up and headed for Walmarts. As they rolled down the grocery aisles Odel couldn't help but smile at how excited the boys got about buying cookies or little individual cans of tuna fish. When Odel asked them about it they told him their Dad had been shopping since Momma got sick and he just didn't buy a lot of treats. Dan also pointed out that Dad had filled out a lot of forms and after that they had to eat those "Yucky" school lunches instead of bringing good stuff from home.


After they finished picking out their groceries Odel asked if the two boys would like to go pick out a couple of new toys to play with while they were staying with him.


As Odel watched them go through the toys he noticed they would pick up a toy, check the price, then put it back. When they finally made their choices he noticed that they had picked out toys that cost less than $3.


As they were leaving the store Andy started tugging on Odel's arm and asked "Papa can we go look at the puppies they are giving away?" After putting up the groceries they walked over to look at the pups.


The lady giving away the puppies look up and said "Hi their Odel. Are these two the grandsons you are always talking about ?"


Odel smiled and said "yep Molly, this here is Dan and the boy getting lick to death is Andy. What kind of Dogs are these?"


"They are Church Dogs" Smirked Molly "They were born under the East Center Baptist Church."


"Papa look at this one" Squealed Andy "He don't run he waddles"


Odel laughed and said "He runs like a Possum, that would be a good name for him. Ya know Molly I been thinking I need a good dog around my place to keep the Jack Rabbits out of my garden."


Molly winked at Odel and said "Well Odel these are still puppies you would need someone to play with them, and take them exploring all over your property. Do you have anyone that can do that for ya?"


Andy Chimed in " I can do that for you Papa. I'll feed him and play with him and take him all over your land."


Dan quickly put in "Andy you know we cant have a dog. Dad said he could barely afford to feed us much less a dog! He told you we can't waste no money till Momma gets well."


"I tell you what boys this is gonna be my dog. Here's $10 why don't yall run in and get some puppy chow while I talk to Molly for a minute."


The two boys ran into the store. Odel turned to Molly and said "Their Momma, my baby is real sick. She is down in Houston at that Special Cancer Hospital."


"I'm so sorry Odel, we will put her on our prayer list."


Odel and the boys headed home and tried to settle in for the summer. As the days slowly passed Dan and Andy grew more comfortable with wandering the woods on Odel's land with Possum tagging along. Odel taught them about fishing and how to clean and cook what they caught. He bought Them both pocket knives and taught them how to whittle.


About two weeks after the boys arrived while they were watching Monday Night Wrestling the phone rang.


"Hello Odel, how is everything up there?"


Odel said "The boys and I are doing fine. How is my girl? Can that special Doctor help her any at all?"


"Odel they are trying a lot of new methods of treating her but so far she isn't responding to any of them"


"What are you trying to tell me?"


"Odel she is just getting weaker and weaker. I don't think she is gonna bet better anytime soon. We got a meeting with her Specialist tomorrow, I will make sure you know everything as soon as I do. Now let me talk to the boys for a few minutes."


Odel handed the phone to Dan and said "It's your Dad." He then went out onto the front porch. As he sat there in the evening air he could hear the boys chattering on the phone to their Dad. Possum the puppy ran up on the porch yapping happily. The puppy could sense Odel's unhappiness and merely laid down between his feet. Odel's mind wandered back to a time when she was still just his little girl. He remembered how he came home from working a graveyard shift and found her in her room crying. When he questioned her about it, she said "Momma said we don't have enough money to buy me and Susi a new dress, and we have to sing at Church Sunday." Odel fondly remembered the big giggly smile that had come on her face when he had told her "Then we will just have to make you one ourselves." IN his mind's eye he could still see her dancing around and laughing as he cut up the Christmas table cloth to make a dress for her and her one legged doll Susi.


"Papa why are you crying?" Asked Andy who had came outside without Odel noticing.


Odel smiled and said "I'm not crying Andy I guess I got something in my eye. Did you enjoy talking to your Dad?"


"Yes Papa I did but he seemed really upset because Momma was too tired to come to the phone."


"Now Andy, I'm sure your Dad wasn't upset. I think he is just real tired. You know it's hard to spend a lot of time in the hospital. Those Places really make adults tired and grouchy."


"I know Papa. Papa Can we build a fort out in your woods?"


Odel looked down at Andy and said "What?"


"Can we build a fort, I found the perfect spot. It's a little spot right in the middle of the woods. With lots of big trees and you got all them boards just lying around, and me and Dan could build it ourselves. You got that big bucket of nails so we don't gotta buy anything. It would be so cool, we could play Cowboys and Indians and war. Did you know I know how to shoot a bow and arrow? We could play Alamo, Did you know their Mexicans in the Alamo? We learned that in San Antonio last year on vacation. Can we? I promise we won't get hurt and we won't make a big mess."


Odel started Laughing and said "Slowdown Andy, take time to breathe. Do you have any ideal how much work that it would take to build a fort?"


"Yea Papa, I do, Dan and I already talked about it. He even drew up a picture of what it should look like. All we need is a hammer and a saw and permission and some nails. You won't have to do anything."


"Ok, Yall can build one but I am gonna help you a little. Tomorrow we will gather up the wood and you can show me the spot you picked out."


Andy ran back into the house yelling "Dan, Papa said yes. We can start working on it tomorrow."


Odel smiled and shook his head, that boy was so much like his baby girl it almost felt like she was home again.


Early the next morning the three of them went out to the clearing the boys had picked out and went to work clearing out some of the brush and designing the fort.


A few hundred miles to the south in a hospital room in Houston. The Doctor looked at the boys father and said "I'm sorry but there just isn't anything we can do. The cancer was just to advanced when it was found. If it had been discovered a year or two earlier we might have been able to stop it."


"How Long Doc"


"A week, maybe three, Sir to be honest I would be surprised if she made it to the fall."


As the tears began to roll down his cheeks he asked "Can you do anything to ease her pain?"


"We can medicate her so that she will not feel the pain but if we do that she will not feel anything. The medicine would maker her so groggy she would not recognize anyone. If it was me I would take her home, try to maker her as comfortable as possible. Try to help her enjoy the last weeks of her life. Go to a ballgame, have a picnic, try to capture the Spirit of Summer one last time. It's only an hour or so to Galveston, go ride the Ferry, feed the sea gulls, make love on the beach. Try to fill every moment with love and happiness."