Uncle Hiram and the Graveyard
Now yall all know I grew up back in the Depression, and had to take a lot of odd jobs back then to make a living. One of the jobs I took was digging holes in the graveyard. Well digging is a young mans job so most of the guys were just kids like me, but the boss was Big Ole Bobby Bullin, a Big man with a strange sense of humor.
Like most jobs when there weren't nothing going on we would sit around and tell stories. Now I don't wanna say Big Bobby stretched the truth a little but he did tell the best stories. I remember one he told us about when he was still a young man before the Great War (WWI). He was coming home late one night and he had more than a couple of visits to the moonshiners back room, if you know what I mean. I guess he was running late cause he said he cut through the graveyard to save some time. Well, he came upon these two guys digging a hole. Now Bobby was a hole digger way back then too, so he knowed they weren't burying nobody. He said he hunkered down behind one of the stones and took to watching them. Them two boys dug up a body and slumped it up against a stone and took to fillin in the hole. I guess it was the Shine or something but Big Bobby decided to see what they were gonna do with that body. So he snuck up there and moved the body to where they couldn't see it, and sat down in its place. Them two boys filled the hole then grabbed Bobby and put him in their wagon. Now they put him up front with them, right inbetween them so anyone that saw them would think Big Bobby were just another fella not a dead guy. Of course, they didn't know they had Big Bobby instead of the dead guy. He said they got to cuttin up and passing a bottle back and forth. One of em laughed and put the bottle in Big Bobby's hand and said here Buddy you probably need a drink worse than we do. Well Big Bobby said "you right about that, that there hole was cold" and took a big drink. Both them ole boys jumped off that Wagon and took to runnin as if the Devil himself was after them. Well Big Bobby drove that wagon with a pair of good mules on home and no one ever reported it missin. He told us he had them mules for 10 years before they died on him and he never saw them two ole boys again.