A mass meeting of 200 Grayson County men and women who served in the military, naval or marine service of the United States in the World War between April 5, 1917 and November 11, 1918, was held in the Grayson County Courthouse on Wednesday, June 4, 1919. The purpose of this meeting was to organize a local Post of the American Legion. All present were asked to bring their discharge papers.
The meeting was called to order by Abner L. Lewis, a well known attorney from Denison. John T. Wakefield, Captain of Battery E, 133rd Field Artillary, a well known businessman in Sherman, was elected temporary chairman.
The veterans present selected "Grayson County Memorial Post No. 29 of The American Legion" as the name of their organization. They next elected unanimously, Fred L. Perkins of Sherman as the new Post Commander. Mr. Perkins, a Battery Clerk of Battery E, 133rd Field Artillary, with rank of Sergeant, saw overseas service and is employed with the Frisco Railroad.
A temporary charter for Grayson County Memorial Post No. 29, The American Legion, was issued on August 18, 1919. There were 46 Charter Members on the original charter.
At a Post meeting on Thursday, March 11, 1920, the permanent name of Post 29 was changed to Charles R. Simmons Post No. 29, honoring the memory of the first Sherman man killed in France. Corporal Charles Ray Simmons was the son of Charles C. Simmons from Sherman. He enlisted in Febuary, 1917 and went to France as a member of the 28th Infantry, Rainbow Division. He died May 22, 1918, as the result of a hand grenade.
The Post name was changed again on November 7, 1947,to C. R. Simmons-C. G. Hardwicke, Jr. Post No. 29, honoring the first soldier from Sherman killed in WWII.
1st Lt. Clifford G. Hardwicke,Jr., a Calvary Officer, was killed on Bataan, Philippines,on January 17, 1942. He was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart posthumously.
The Auxiliary Unit of Post 29 was first organized in 1928, but it only lasted until 1935 when the charter was cancelled. The Unit was reorganized in 1943 and the permanent charter was given on November 8, 1947. The Unit has been a necessary asset and part of the American Legion family since its reorganization. Another part of Post 29 is The Sons of the American Legion. Squadron 29 was chartered on June 2, 1993.
Post 29 has been located at several different locations since it was chartered in 1919. The first few years of its existence, the Post met in the Courthouse or in a meeting hall near the Courthouse. The first Post home was the old Sons of Herman Hall on the south side of the Courthouse square. It was bought and paid for by donations of members and local citizens. In the 40's the Post owned a building at 223 North Walnut Street. Then in 1953 the Post raised money and secured a loan to build its present permanent Post Home. The ground breaking ceremony was held on Wednesday, August 20, 1953. The building was completed in late December and the Legion moved into its new Post Home in early 1954.
In early 1963, Perrin AFB presented to Post 29 a F-86L Sabre Jet. The airplane was erected on a concrete pedestal in front of the Legion Post Home. The Post is responsible for the maintenance and up keep of the airplane and must report to the Air Force on its condition every year.
Today, Post 29 is very active in all American Legion activities and programs. Post 29 is also very active in Community Service, and makes donations to many of Sherman civic and public services and organizations. All veterans are welcome to join this great American Legion Post.