Motivation to Get out of Bed Early
Amazons Should Be Early Risers!
People are attracted to success.
Your academic success is crucial to building a strong Amazon nation.
You cannot have order over the course of your life without creating order on a day-to-day basis.
The most successful people wake up and get up early.
You can actually hear yourself think early in the morning.
It's a great time to meditate, affirm who you are.
It gives you an opportunity to ease into your day and plan your day.
You get to dream and make big plans for having a successful day.
You give your self a headstart/jumpstart ahead of everyone else who chooses to get a later start. Most people choose to get a later start, thus abdicating their advantage.
You have many great things to accomplish, so stop being hesistant to launch an exciting day.
You will meet more serious minded and intersting and committed people like yourself by getting up early. Especially if you get to the school library early.
You can ease into your day with an hour of study and review tto increase retention of information for better preparedness at school.
You must commit to going to bed earlier to get the sleep you need.
You must commit to going to bed earlier to get up earlier.
Successful people get up early.
Happy people get up earlier.
Early risers are better able to plan their lives.
Doing math first thing in the morning get you off to a great start in the morning.
Getting up early, reading, studying makes you feel more prepared, confident and successful.
Getting up early at 5am gives you an advantage. You want to get ahead, you want to be successful.
You want to distinguish yourself.
CAUTION: If you tell yourself that you plan to get up early in the morning, DO IT. If you don't and you fail to do it repeatedly, you'll come to feel a strong sense of failure. Any time you fail to keep your word to yourself, your self-esteem suffers. If you make a habit of not keeping your word to yourself you'll feel a strong sense of failure. So, learn to be honest with yourself.
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